CISA to stage a training course in genetic diagnosis

CISA is to stage a practical laboratory course in genetic diagnosis at the David Bernardino Pediatric Hospital in Luanda from May 18th to 20th.


Totalling 24 hours of training, the course is designed for Doctors, Nurses, Health Technicians, Biologists and Biochemists, Chemists and similar professionals seeking to learn about the theoretical underpinnings to the techniques applied in Genetic Diagnostic processes and experimenting with various genetic laboratory diagnostic techniques as well as identifying and resolving the genetics based problems associated both to clinical practices and to research in the field.


The course is run by Miguel Brito, researcher and coordinator of CISA – the Health Research Centre of Angola and by Filipa Correia, a CISA laboratory specialist.


Registration may be made via email at by sending in your curriculum vitae. The course holds a 20 student maximum limit.  



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