Bengo Hospital stages its first science days

"Health, a right for everybody" was the theme of the first ever Bengo General Hospital Science Days that took place on September 23rd and 24th at the Bengo Health School of Technical Training and with CISA researchers undertaking its scientific commissioning.

CISA presented the themes: Demographic Surveillance System, Schistosomiasis, acute diarrheic disease, Intestinal parasitoses, Nutrition, Cardiovascular Disease and Hemoglobinopathies. The works "The Demographic Surveillance System of Dande, Angola” was presented by Sabino Rodrigues (written by Diogo Francisco, António Bumba and Edite Rosário) and the "Epidemiology of Hemoglobinopathies: Genetic variability in haemoglobins and erythrocyte enzymes in Bengo Provincial Hospital, Caxito, Angola" presented by Dr. Chissengo Tchonhi were awarded first and second place respectively in the selection made of the best works presented.


The main objective of these science days is to stimulate and foster the advancement of scientific development of healthcare professionals at Bengo General Hospital, the CISA partner institution, and foster the spread and the discussion of research findings from Bengo Province to improve the quality of care provided to those receiving such services. 

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