Project in Nutrition, WASH/Malaria and anemia

The 18-month evaluation of the “Community Education Intervention in Nutrition, WASH/Malaria and Anemia” project has now begun. This community based study, which seeks to determine the lasting effects of educational interventions in nutrition and WASH/malaria on the incidence of malnutrition, anemia and micronutrient deficiencies, has been undergoing implementation since March 2015 and is due to terminate in September of this year.


In this third follow up phase, the data collected get introduced into tablet computers, thus eliminating the need for the digitalisation of paper based results and correspondingly also reducing the time between data collection and the availability of the data to researchers and their consequent scientific processing.


In parallel to the activities in this phase, there is also the registration and numbering of the members of family households under monitoring in this study by the surveillance system team. 

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